A friend of the Chop is the owner of Moko Beauty Salon on 3rd Street in Philadelphia (aka Nerd Street). She asked if I had any ideas for a window display themed for both the election and women’s hair styles. Was there was ever an election better for having fun with hair? 

Installation (above and below)

The whole project is pretty straightforward and shows what we can do with just 3 days. 

Two hanging posters fill the front window (below). Then 10 vinyl silhouettes of Hillary Clinton’s hair through the years flank the side panel windows in four columns. The styles start with her Goldwater years (1964) and end with her candidacy for President (today). Then each bottom-right side column is punctuated by what some might consider a decidedly anti-Trump or anti-Trump’s hair silhouette (slide #5 above). I am just reporting. You decide.